
Catch up on all latest latest musings below.

March 27, 2023

Being 'invited to participate' simply motivates

I had to let go of my telling style and invite Héros to figure out the answers himself. And then it all comes together without any effort. Body, mind and soul.
March 1, 2022

Conflit processus épineux, atrophie, dos affaisé, asymétrie naturelle chez le cheval

Beaucoup de - chevaux âgés - chevaux avec un conflit processus épineux, - un dos creux ou - qui se remettent d'une blessure se portent mieux si on les fait travailler pour garder leur tronc, leur ligne du dessus et leurs postérieurs forts et maintenir une posture correcte. Le travail à la Rectitude peut vous aider!

How to chose a horse Coach

Thoughtful training with meaning and pleasure. Instead of endlessly training your horse in the wrong posture. Horse coaches are popping up like mushrooms. What do you need to consider when choosing a horse coach?

Postural Gymnastics:
Horse training should start here